Rogue Amoeba has released Audio Hijack 4.0.2, a maintenance update following its recent major upgrade (see “Audio Hijack 4 Brings Interface Improvements and Recording Upgrades,” 4 April 2022). The audio-recording workflow app corrects an issue with slow importing of Audio Hijack 3 sessions with many recordings and properly imports saved presets for Audio Units in Audio Hijack 3 into version 4.0.2 and later. The release also displays a helpful block face visual when a selected device for the Input/Output Device blocks is missing, ensures the tab key correctly navigates between fields in the Recording Inspector window, copies all messages from the app’s console.log to the macOS Console app, and ensures the interface always updates when starting a session via a script. ($64 new with a 20% discount for TidBITS members, $29 upgrade from version 3, free update from version 4, 29 MB, release notes, macOS 10.14.4+)
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